Archive for the ‘Trailers’ Category

The new Daredevil trailer has been released and I am a tad confused, but pleasantly surprised. Ever since Marvel has been making movies, they have tried to blend comedy and action, usually very successfully. Despite this, the past two Marvel trailers, Ant-man and now Daredevil, have been among the more serious, darker side. Ant-man is said to be funnier than the trailer implied, but I’m not so sure about this series. In all honesty, I think it might be better if there was no comedy present in this show.

Daredevil is a darker comic, usually dealing with the seedier and deadlier parts of New York. The hero is constantly dealing with gangsters and mobsters, and the Kingpin is one of the most powerful and deadly villains in the Marvel universe. I think keeping a darker tone for the show would actually make it better. It would be different from the rest of the stuff Marvel has put out so far, with it’s own characteristics and personality. I’m not saying every film/show in the MCU is without it’s more serious scenes or topics, but I think a Daredevil in the vein of The Dark Knight could potentially be a great series.

From what I can gather from the trailer, this will be the origin of Daredevil. His costume is an early stage of the final design, and it looks like the Kingpin is going to be introduced and set up as the main villain of the series. Marvel has been putting out quality products up to this point and I have no doubt that this will add to their portfolio whichever direction they decide to take the character.


Last year had a number of movies that caught me by surprise at how superb they turned out to be. There were many that I didn’t pay any attention to when they first released, but public opinion pushed me towards looking into these ‘hidden gems’ and most of the time I found that I also enjoyed these films. Usually, I go into a year and go down a list of movies and figure out which ones I think I would be interested in seeing; I plan on doing the same thing this year as well. I know, the set-up made it seem like I was going to attempt to find the surprise hits and whatnot, but in reality I don’t think I’d get a single one right and would rather be pleasantly surprised at a movie than frustrated. Instead, I’ll tell you which ones I am most excited to see. While there are quite a number of big budget movies coming out this year, there are really only five that I found to be must see films for me. Hope you agree!

5. Chappie

One of the more interesting and thought-provoking looking movies of this year; this film follows a robot that gains a consciousness and we follow him as he grows and is hunted because of what he is. As a big fan of District 9, I’m hoping Blomkamp can recapture that magic and give us a movie that makes us question the way we think about beings that have consciousness as well as present a believable and interesting take on artificial intelligence. I don’t know much else about this movie, but the trailer alone is enough to pique my interest and put it on my list.

4. Furious 7

Who would have guessed these guys make it to seven movies, right? I mean I thought the franchise was dead after Tokyo Drift; a movie I enjoyed, but was poorly received and threatened to kill the franchise for good. Thankfully they decided to put out a fourth installment, reinvigorate the franchise, and turn it into a financial juggernaut. It’s strange really. The plot is never world-beating, and the acting can get a little wonky at times and yet it has somehow established itself as a franchise that everyone wants to see. I’ll admit that I do love Vin Diesel, so seeing him perform his inevitable hand-to-hand combat scene is always worth the wait. Not to mention he now pairs with The Rock and they make the most intimidating duo I’ve ever seen. What intrigues me the most about this movie, however, is the send-off they have planned for Paul Walker. He has been a major part of this franchise for so long that I know that whatever they think up will do him justice. For that reason alone I would go see this movie.

3. Inside Out

Really the only animated film I’m actually looking forward to next year, this movie follows a young girl who is growing up and dealing with her emotions. Fortunately for us, the premise is made much more interesting once we find out those emotions just happen to be walking, talking beings that live inside her head. Pixar has always put out quality products (except Cars, that franchise sucks) and this one seems to have the perfect blend of heart and comedy to make for a fantastic film. Something I noticed in the trailer is that the mom and dad both have these people/emotions in their head as well. If you notice, though, they are gender specific; the mom has female emotions and the father male. Yet when you look at the daughter, she has both female and male emotions. Another interesting tidbit is that both the mom and dad have a head emotion, one that is in charge, and the daughter’s head seems to be anarchy, which makes sense! She’s still growing and maturing and getting to know who she wants to be, so not having an emotion that is ‘in charge’ fits. It really is an exciting concept, and I can’t wait to laugh and cry during this movie (it’s Pixar so you know it’s gonna happen).

2. Avengers: Age of Ultron

The first Avengers film wasn’t a masterpiece. It had it’s flaws and quirks, but overall it was a successful movie. Personally, I believe that people were so interested in seeing the culmination of years of Marvel movies hinting at this type of team up that the public rushed to theaters across the world so that they could finally see all of their favorite heroes join forces. And people loved it. The comedy, the action, and most of all seeing characters like Tony Stark and Loki share the big screen. The question can be asked, will the second movie be just as intriguing? I’m of the mind to say yes, but I don’t think it will double the money made by the first one like some may think (though that all changes if Spider-man is put in at the last second). As an avid Marvel fan, I am going to see this without a second thought. Yes it could suck; it could fall into the same traps that so many sequels fall into, but I don’t care. Seeing Ultron on the the screen tearing into our Avengers team is going to be amazing. My one agonizing question to Marvel, however, is WHEN WILL YOU GET SPIDER-MAN BACK???????

1. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

The big one. Easily the number one movie for me, we finally get a Star Wars movie that has the potential to be as good as the prequels. It helps that I have an extreme amount of faith in J.J. Abrams, especially after reinvigorating the Star Trek franchise. His promise of practical effects and less reliance on CG is a welcome change from the prequels. While I am not in the camp that the prequels were the worst movies ever, I do believe that the amount of computer generated content was excessive and essentially was leaned on as a crutch. I’m also not an idiot and understand that the movie will, in fact, have it’s fair share of CG, but I am hopeful that the practical effects will be used to complement the CG and make it seem as though you couldn’t have one without the other. As for the actual plot of the movie, very little is known about it and I plan on keeping it that way until I see the movie myself. As a believer that Star Wars is one of the greatest science fiction universes ever created, I hope that this movie can put it back on track.

Well those are the movies I can’t wait to see, now let me know yours! On a side note, how awesome would a Star Wars movie based on Revan be? I wish it could happen but it’s a long shot. Thanks for reading, and follow me @Gallivant_Gamer. Look forward to my last one of these tomorrow, when I look at the games I am most looking forward to. Also my recommended anime of the month! Talk to you guys later.


Let’s keep the ball rolling with this feature right? I did this for the last couple new trailers, so I figured I might as well do it again with the brand new trailer released today for Terminator: Genisys. I gotta say, first impression is not that good. It looks like a rehash of the past movies, and I have to wonder how many times they plan on recasting ? While I want to like the movie because Terminator 2 is one of the best sic-fi movies I’ve ever seen, Hollywood has not done a very good job with the recent reboots and sequels of past movies.  Just so you know, these are my actual thoughts as I watch this trailer in real time, I simply go back and right this opening afterwards.  Now let’s watch the trailer!

0:09 – Generic post-apocalyptic world?  Check!

0:12 – Is that the new John Connor?

0:13 – Wait, is he the new John Connor?

0:23 – Ok, that robot is pretty cool.

0:24 – T-800 alert!

0:30 – So you’re the last group of humans…and you say ‘ if we fail, humanity dies with us.’  Just gonna say that that is a stupid line.  I think that should be implied.

0:40 – Oh, so that’s John Connor.

0:44 – OOOOOOOOH, and thats the guy from the first movie! Wait, are they just remaking the first movie again?  Was this a reboot?  The hell is going on?

1:15 – What?

1:21 – T-1000!!!!!!!!

1:34 – Arnold on Arnold action? Nice.

1:43 – The time no longer exists?  Then why isn’t the future changed?  Shouldn’t John know this already since it happened in the past and plan accordingly???? I mean, unless there are alternate timelines.  But then that means every time they sent a person back in the previous movies that those were alternate timelines as well.  What the hell is going on?  They are ignoring the basic rules of time travel!

1:48 – Reset?  So are they pulling an X-men and just pulling a hard reset?

2:02 – Hold on.  You can stop judgement day from happening?  And you’re teamed up with a T-800…and being chased by a T-1000.  This is jus the plot of Terminator 2 all over again. Even that police car chase scene looks similar to the chase scene in Terminator 2; you know, the one where John is on the bike and chased by the T-1000 in the truck.

2:23 – Oh lord.  He had to say the line didn’t he?  You just can’t do a Terminator movie without Arnold saying that stupid line can you?

2:27 – And now he’s headbutting a helicopter.  That’s cool too.

And that was my line of thinking during the movie.  I can see that they are going for some call backs to the older movies, but I can’t help but feel that no matter what they do, nothing will live up to the second Terminator movie.  It was too well made and still stands the test of time to this day, so if I had to choose between that movie and this movie I would choose the former 10 times out of 10.  Arnold has been out of acting for a long time, and his recent movies have been busts, so i want to see him do well.  I hope this movie proves to be better than I think it will be.  Look forward to my top comic list later today hopefully.


Wow.  I am super excited! I love Star Wars, and it is literally my favorite sci-fi universe.  Yes the prequels were, overall, pretty bad.  Yes I hated Jar Jar.  But this isn’t George Lucas!  It’s J.J. Abrams, and I liked his reboot of Star Trek so I am hoping that I will like this one as well.

Since I did it with Jurassic World, I figured I’d do the same thing here, so here are my thoughts as I watched the trailer.

0:12 – Tatooine?  They really like this planet.

0:17 – Everyone take a shot, he said the title.

0:22 – OH SHIT! That scared the crap out of me….why is a stormtrooper here?  Didn’t the empire fall?  Are these remnants?

0:30 – Aw, look at the cute little droid!  And I think that was a puppet, not CGI, so thats a good thing.

0:33 – Look, more stormtroopers…what is going on?

0:40 – I like that speeder.

0:45 – Awesome.

0:55 – What?  That lightsaber is amazing!  I love that they have a sword that creates a lightsaber guard for your hand.  Simply awesome.

1:01 – Oh. My. God.

1:07 – Why are there empire ships shooting at them????  What is going on? I want to know!

So there you have it, I cannot wait for this movie.  I just wish they’d make a movie about Revan and the Old Republic.  That would awesome.

So I was very excited to see that they were making a new Jurassic Park movie, even if the third one wasn’t very good.  When it was announced earlier this week that the first trailer would be out by Friday, I was super excited to see it.  And then it came out.  And I watched it, wonder in my eyes, wanting to be taken to a place that was as awe-inspiring as the first one.  But I wasn’t.  In fact the first thing that came to mind while watching this trailer was this, ‘did they accidentally put up a trailer for one of those bad Sy-fy movies instead of the real one?’

So here is the breakdown of how I reacted to this trailer:

0:10 – Oh lord, more kids for me to not care about.  They’re just gonna be in danger the whole time aren’t they?

0:14 – Really? You’re gonna send your kids to an island of dinosaurs alone?  ALSO, you’re gonna scare them by telling them to run if something chases them?  Parent of the year award…

0:38 – That’s pretty cool, this is what I imagined it would be like if the park worked like it was supposed to.

0:49 – Niiiiiice.  This is exactly what I wanted!  I can’t wait for everything to go completely wrong.

0:54 – Ok, that sphere thing is kinda dumb.

1:08 – That is amazing!  Water dinos?  Hopefully they have to fight that…or get stuck in the water at some point.

1:12 – It’s like Sea World!  Now for the inevitable T-Rex causing havoc because these people are idiots.

1:30 – …………..what?  Genetically what?  Why?  Why?  That’s so dumb!  Why would you create something like that?


1:55 – Oooooh, is that a slow piano version of the theme?  Love it!

2:07 – Still wondering why.  I thought they’d make callbacks to the old movie by having the T-rex and raptors be the min force here.  Instead they felt the need to create a hybrid super dinosaur because raptors and T-rex’s aren’t scary enough?  It’s like those bad Sy-fy movies like sharktopus and piranhaconda where they just combine things for no reason.  Plus, SCIENTISTS AREN’T THIS STUPID!  Why would they combine the most dangerous dinosaurs into one????

2:12 – Oh look, I was wondering when they’d be in trouble.

2:14 – Kid is screwed.


2:24 – ALL HOPE IS GONE….apparently the rumors that Chris Pratt’s character trains raptors is true….kill me.  You make the most badass part of all the Jurassic Park movies into trained dogs…I hate Hollywood.

There you have it.  Those were my thoughts.  As you can see, I was kinda angry by the end.  I loved the first Jurassic Park so seeing this is very disappointing.  The point of Michael Crighton’s original books was about the fight between science and nature, but this doesn’t fit that at all.  It’s just man versus some crazy modified dino.  I’ve already said it a couple times, but I can’t help but say it again: This movie is like a bad Sy-fy channel movie with a bigger budget.  Hopefully it will be better than I am expecting, and I’m not expecting a lot.